Should I Have a Structured Note in My QROPS?

When planning for retirement, the goal is to ensure that your investments not only grow but are also protected. For expatriates, Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) offer a potential solution for pension transfers abroad. However, the decision to include structured notes within a QROPS requires careful consideration. While structured notes can offer attractive features, there are compelling reasons why they might not be the best fit for your retirement planning. Here’s why:

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Why Is My Structured Note Performing So Poorly?

Structured notes are complex financial products that often attract expat investors with their promise of higher returns and protection against downside risks. However, like any investment, their performance can sometimes fall short of expectations. If you find yourself wondering, “Why is my structured note performing so poorly?”, here are some potential reasons and factors to consider.

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Expat Investing: A Guide To Structured Notes

When it comes to expat investing, the array of options available can be both exciting and overwhelming. Among the plethora of investment vehicles, structured notes have gained considerable attention. But what exactly are structured notes, and more importantly, should you consider investing in them? Let’s dive in.

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Coming Home: 10 Financial Steps for Expats Returning to the UK

I have been living outside the UK for 23 years. I rarely get homesick. But last weekend it hit me hard. While I’m not packing my bags just yet, I realise that many expats eventually do. Thinking of returning to the UK? Prepare yourself to face a unique set of financial challenges and opportunities. It is always best to start planning as early as possible. Here are 10 financial action points to get you started.

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The Costly Mistake of Ignoring Tax Residency Laws: A £186m Lesson

Imagine packing your bags, bidding goodbye to the dreary weather, then suddenly finding yourself slapped with an unforeseen £186m tax bill. This isn’t a fictional horror story – it’s the shocking reality British magnate Alan Sugar faced when he tried to dodge the UK tax net by relocating Down Under.

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Selling Property as a British Expat? Don’t Forget About Capital Gains Tax!

Did you know that selling a UK residential property while living abroad can trigger a capital gains tax (CGT) bill, even if you are a non-resident? According to a recent survey conducted by Experts for Expats at the end of last year, 23% of British expats are considering selling their UK property, with the majority looking to use the equity to support their retirement.

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Unpacking Millionaire Expat by Andrew Hallam: Your Passport to Financial Independence

Welcome to my comprehensive review of “Millionaire Expat: How to Build Wealth Living Overseas” by Andrew Hallam. He is a staunch advocate for financial independence and international living. In this ground-breaking book, he takes us on a captivating journey that challenges conventional wisdom and explores the possibilities of achieving financial independence while living abroad. Let’s get stuck in!

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Five ways to invest a bonus

When anticipating an annual bonus, it is natural to envision all the things you want to purchase or start planning a lavish vacation. However, it is worth taking the time to step back and contemplate how you intend to use such a windfall before it lands in your bank account. Consider how your bonus can best serve you and your objectives in both the short and long term, regardless of the amount you earned.

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Expat financial advice: Why should I have a 6 month emergency fund?

Whenever I speak to clients about investing, I always talk about having an emergency fund equivalent to 6 months of expenses first. Sometimes life can present you with a situation where you need quick access to money and without a financial safety net it can threaten your financial well-being and cause a great deal of stress.

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How to find a lost pension

It has been estimated that there could be about 2.8 million lost or forgotten pension pots in the UK, worth an average of £9,500 each. I.e. over £26.6 billion in total. This is hardly surprising. The days of working for one employer for 40 years and then retiring with a gold carriage clock are over. Research suggests that average workers will now have 11 different jobs during their life. As people move from job to job more and more frequently,…

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8 cyber security tips to safeguard your retirement plans from scammers

This month (October) is cyber security awareness month. What has cyber security got to do with your retirement you may ask? Everything, is the answer. Online scams are everywhere. I read about them all the time. You don’t want your well-thought-out retirement plan being torpedoed due to a lack of online hygiene. With that in mind, here are 8 tips for ensuring that you stay safe from scammers.

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