8 cyber security tips to safeguard your retirement plans from scammers

This month (October) is cyber security awareness month. What has cyber security got to do with your retirement you may ask? Everything, is the answer. Online scams are everywhere. I read about them all the time. You don’t want your well-thought-out retirement plan being torpedoed due to a lack of online hygiene. With that in mind, here are 8 tips for ensuring that you stay safe from scammers.

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How to prepare an in case of death folder

Have you ever thought about how you would like your affairs to be left in the event of your sudden death? Apologies for such a dramatic lead-in, however when one of my clients passed away suddenly (he was the same age as me), it got me thinking about how I can help others make sure that their financial affairs are better organised in case of such an event. As expats, it is not uncommon for us to be less than…

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