It has been estimated that there could be about 2.8 million lost or forgotten pension pots in the UK, worth an average of £9,500 each. I.e. over £26.6 billion in total. This is hardly surprising. The days of working for one employer for 40 years and then retiring with a gold carriage clock are over. Research suggests that average workers will now have 11 different jobs during their life. As people move from job to job more and more frequently,…
Yes, you can live abroad and save into a UK pension scheme. However, there are limits to the tax relief you can claim on your contributions. If you move overseas, for the next 5 tax years you can still make pension contributions of up to £3,600 a year and get tax relief. This assumes you have no earnings taxed in the UK. If you continue to have earnings taxed in the UK, tax relievable contributions can be based on these…
Navigating UK pension options while living in Poland can be complex, especially post-Brexit. Whether you’re looking to transfer your UK pension to Poland or explore alternatives like an international SIPP, understanding your choices is crucial. This guide outlines the best solutions for managing your UK pension while residing in Poland.
It is common for those reaching age 55 to withdraw the maximum 25 per cent tax-free cash lump sum from their pension. Many do so in order to splurge on the holiday of a lifetime, make home improvements, pay off a mortgage or help out children or grandchildren. However, the question should be asked: would people be better off leaving that money invested and withdrawing their pension gradually over a longer period instead? Here are 4 instances where the answer…
Legislation introduced by the Taxation of Pensions Act 2014 meant that, in the majority of cases, pension benefits are able to pass down through the generations free of inheritance tax, as long as they remain within the pension wrapper. Therefore, if you have a straightforward family situation and are leaving funds to beneficiaries that you perceive as responsible, then passing these funds on within your pension is likely to be the best option.
The purpose of this QROPS guide for expats is to use 20+ years of experience in dealing with international pensions to help you understand how QROPS work and outline the circumstances in which they should and should not be used. Tens of thousands of British expats have transferred their UK pensions to QROPS structures since they were launched in April 2006. The structure has proved to be incredibly popular as they help Britons who have permanently moved abroad to simplify…
In the past decade, huge numbers of people have transferred their final salary/defined benefit pensions to a SIPP or QROPS as Cash Equivalent Transfer Values have soared. However, since the start of 2022, these valuations have started to fall back and I have had numerous enquiries from people wanting to know why their pension transfer value has dropped. In this post, we will look at the nuts and bolts of how a defined benefit pension cash transfer value is calculated.
A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) can be a low cost, flexible and straightforward way to save for your retirement. It allows you to take control of how your pension funds are managed by providing access to a wide range of different investments.