Unlocking Your Retirement: A Guide to Flexi-access Drawdown Rules

Are you nearing retirement and wondering how to make the most of your pension savings? If so, then understanding the flexi-access drawdown rules is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through everything you need to know about unlocking your retirement funds through flexi-access drawdown. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of flexi-access drawdown, discuss the eligibility criteria, and explain how to set it up. I will also provide insights on investment strategies and tax implications to help…

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What Do I Do With My Swiss Pension When Returning to the UK?

Moving from one country to another involves a myriad of tasks, and among them is the critical aspect of managing your pension. For those leaving Switzerland and returning to the UK, understanding the pension rules in both countries is paramount. This guide will walk you through your options for managing your Swiss pension funds, ensuring you’re well-informed and prepared for this important financial move.

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How to Find a QROPS Adviser

If you’re been living abroad and have a UK pension, you will have probably heard about Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). A QROPS is an overseas pension schemes that meet certain standards set by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). For expats, they can offer flexibility, tax efficiency, and currency benefits.

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QROPS Explained: How the 5-Year Rule Affects Your Overseas Pension

If you’re navigating the complex world of overseas pensions, you’ve likely come across the term “QROPS.” Standing for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, QROPS have long been a consideration for expats who want to transfer their UK pension abroad. But there’s one aspect that often causes confusion: the QROPS 5 year rule. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

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Can I transfer my UK pension to Sweden?

Are you a Brit living in, or moving to Sweden? Are you unsure of how to navigate the complexities of managing your pensions across borders? Whether you’re entangled in the web of the UK’s State and private pensions or exploring the multifaceted Swedish pension landscape, understanding the nuances of each system is crucial. In this guide, I will explore the options, obstacles, and opportunities that await you.

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Are QROPS Still Suitable in 2024?

As we move into 2024, the financial landscape continues to evolve.  For expatriates or individuals with UK pension funds living abroad, the question of how to best manage these retirement savings remains a pressing one.  Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) have been a popular choice since their inception in 2006, but are they still a viable option in today’s financial climate?  In this post, we will delve into the current state of QROPS and assess whether…

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Evaluating Expat Pension Options – Should I Keep My QROPS?

As an expat, navigating pension options can be complex, particularly when it comes to understanding Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). If you already have a QROPS, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments and alternatives. What Is A QROPS? A QROPS is an overseas pension scheme where UK pension plans can be transferred.  They have been a common option for expats in recent years but in many cases using a QROPS has…

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I’m Unhappy With My QROPS, What Should I do?

Are you feeling uneasy about your current QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme?) It’s not uncommon.I have spoken to numerous expats who have to find themselves questioning the performance and suitability of their QROPS.  But fear not!  Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricacies of QROPS and steps you can take if you’re not entirely satisfied with your current plan. Understanding QROPS: Aligning It With Your Goals The core purpose of a QROPS is…

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What do I do with an inherited pension?

A pension is typically the second largest asset that someone owns (after the family home).  However, they often get overlooked when people think about passing on their wealth, as they fall outside of an estate for inheritance tax (IHT) purposes.  Understanding pensions and what to do when you inherit one can be tricky too, with various options and considerations depending on the type of pension and your circumstances.  This blog…

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Lost and Found: Securing Your Financial Future

Today is Pension Tracing Day. When it comes to financial planning, pensions often lie at the heart of long-term security. However, with job changes, relocations, and the hustle and bustle of life, many of us lose track of these essential financial safety nets. Enter Pension Tracing Day – a day dedicated to helping people reconnect with their lost or forgotten pensions.

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Unlocking the Benefits of Dubai’s Retirement Visa For Expats – A Comprehensive Guide

Dubai has long been a popular destination for expat professionals. However, back in 2018, the authorities in Dubai decided that they wanted to encourage retirees to live there too. So they launched a Retirement Visa. From tax exemptions to healthcare benefits, the retirement visa is a comprehensive package that guarantees a comfortable retired life in Dubai. But with so much information available online, it can be overwhelming to navigate the ins and outs of the retirement visa.

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How spending changes through the “Active,” “Less Active” and “Not Very Active” years of retirement

Depending on when you retire and how long you live, your retirement could potentially last for 3 decades or more. However, most retirements can be broken into three stages, each of which is typically 5-10 years in length. Furthermore, each stage has its own spending characteristics. Understanding these stages can help you feel more comfortable in knowing what your spending in retirement may look like.

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Expat State Pension guide (2024/2025 update)

If you’re a British expat it’s easy to let the State Pension fall off your radar. In fact, most expats simply accept that periods abroad will result in gaps in their contribution record and write their State Pension off.

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I am a 50 something year old expat, how much should I be saving for retirement?

Retirement might seem like a distant dream or it may seem like an oncoming freight train. Whichever the case, it is never too early or too late to start planning for it. If you are age 50 or older, it is time to buckle up and get serious about saving for the future. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through this journey with a sprinkle of good humour and a dollop of practical advice.

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Five ways to invest a bonus

When anticipating an annual bonus, it is natural to envision all the things you want to purchase or start planning a lavish vacation. However, it is worth taking the time to step back and contemplate how you intend to use such a windfall before it lands in your bank account. Consider how your bonus can best serve you and your objectives in both the short and long term, regardless of the amount you earned.

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